L’expertise des Fabricants de Matériel Médical est reconnue dans le monde entier. La liste non-exhaustive de nos partenaires, celles et ceux qui nous font confiance au quotidien, est reproduite ici.


Médecins du Monde

Présent en France et dans 80 pays, Médecins du Monde est un mouvement international indépendant de militants actifs qui soignent, témoignent et accompagnent le changement social. À partir de leurs 388 programmes médicaux innovants et d’un plaidoyer basé sur des faits, MDM met les personnes exclues et leurs communautés en capacité d’accéder à la santé tout en se battant pour un accès universel aux soins.

Médecins sans Frontières

Les Médecins Sans Frontières apportent leur secours aux populations en détresse, aux victimes de catastrophes d’origine naturelle ou humaine, de situation de belligérance, sans aucune discrimination de race, religion, philosophie ou politique.

La Chaîne de l’Espoir

La Chaîne de l'Espoir is an international NGO created in 1994. Its goal is to strengthen health system to grant everyone, in particular children, with equal development and welfare chances. Helping marginalized children is more than a moral imperative, it is a compulsive achievement to reach 2030 UN Children's Health and Welfare.

BIP Humanitaire

From various backgrounds and curriculums, BIP members provide a wide spectrum of means and exchanges, either medical or logistic. Away from any political or religious belief, BIP united to help the underprivileged by gathering gear, either medical or not, while being strictly non-profitable.

Fondation Raoul Follereau

Raoul Follereau fundation struggles against any kind of disease, ignorance or poverty-related exclusion. It aims at pursuing its founder's lifelong work in such fields as healing, educating and reintegrating.

Today, the fundation is present in France, in Africa, in Middle-East and in Asia.

Illimi da Bani

On the ground since 2008, Illimi da Bani is represented in Nigeria by its fellow partner: Illimi da Bani-Niger. It gathers and selects development projects originating from the field. Once they are authorized, Illimi da Bani-Niger follows and assists them until they reach their goals.

Nord Niger Santé

Northen Niger Health has been created in December 2006 by a group of friends staying in Niger, all health workers. NNH has focused on rural town Iférouane, in the Agadez region, and aimed at developing demand and health-related projects.